1988-2004, Secretary, Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Science Topical Group, Section of Technical Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1994- Member, 2008- Chairman, Committee of Applied Mechanics, Section of Technical Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2001-2004, Elected representative of doctors, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2008- Member, Council of Doctors, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2009- Member of the Supervising Committee, Repository of Hungarian Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2000-2003, Head, Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Jury, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
2003- Member, Scientific Board for Physical Sciences and Engineering, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
2008-2010, Member, Publication Committee, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
1996- Secretary, Hungarian National Committee of the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM)
1997-2000 Member, Technical Institute Subcommittee, Hungarian Accreditation Committee
2001-2004, Member, Engineering, Architecture and Transportation Committee, Hungarian Accreditation Committee
1999-2006 Member, Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós Advisory Board, Ministry of Education
1997-1999, 2002- Member, Hungarian Engineering Chamber
1990-1994, 1997-2000, 2003-2006, Elected member, University Council, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1991-1994, 1997-2006, Member of the Scientific Committee, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1999-2001 Chairman, Ethical Codex Committee of the University Council, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2000-2009, Chairman, Scientific Committee of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1987-2009, Elected member, Faculty Council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1987-1994, 2000- Member, 1997-2000 Chairman, Teaching Committee of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1987-1994, Chairman, English Teaching Committee of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
1998-2000, Member, Higher Education Strategy Committee of the Ministry of Education
1999-2000, Member, Higher Education Integration Committee of the Ministry of Education
1999, Member, Higher Education Humanpolitics Committee of the Ministry of Education
2000-2004, Member, Hungarian Committee of Tele-Education
2002- Member, Reserarch Center for Biomechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2002- Member, Scientific Committee of the Reserarch Center for Biomechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2004- Member, Advisory Board of Hungarian Society of Biomechanics
2000- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Computational and Applied Mechanics
2007- Member of the Editorial Board, Biomechanica Hungarica
1999- Member, Administrative Council, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM)
1999- Member, Academic Council, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (CISM)
1995- Member, Central European Association of Computational Mechanics (CEACM)
1995- Member, European Society of Mechanics (EUROMECH)
2004-2010, Member, Solid Mechanics Conference Committee, European Society of Mechanics (EUROMECH-SMCC)
2000- Member, International Society of Biomechanics (ISB)
2002- Member, European Society of Biomechanics (ESB)
2003- Member, Technical Committee on Biomechanics, International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
2006- Member of the Editorial Board, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IREME)
2011, Member, Supervisory Board, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2011, International Research Centre on Balneology, Advisory Board